So imagine your walking down the street in Santa Barbara at a craft and art fair and you smell the most earthy yet sexy aroma. You have to stop. You used to sell doterra so you think you know oils. So you dab a little on the back of your hand and walk away. You go try on some rings at a neighboring artists space. All of the sudden you look down and your hand is glowing. You set the rings down and run back to get some of that oil you tried. You take the bottle home. You start using it on your face. Then people everywhere stop you and ask what skincare you use…
You answer: I use one. ONE. Product. That’s it. It’s this blue lotus moringa oil…
ya’all I am not a paid advertiser. I am a mom. I have 4 kids. I am not kidding. I LOVE THIS STUFF. I don’t use moisturizer. I use a face wash and this at night. That’s it. If you don’t buy this, then great, more for me. 😂 I’m literally shocked at how incredibly soft my skin is. I wish I could use it all over.
Side note we used a little on my nephews eczema… it worked. I don’t want her to sell out so I’m going to stop here. Mic drop. We out.