Pricing - Santa Barbara

Location: 633 Chapala Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara CA, 93101

**Visits are by appointment only for now. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Single Egg Session

Single Sessions are for the curious and for getting acquainted with the egg, the experience and if the egg is right for you

$199 (Regular Price: $222)


I have experienced several sessions in person as well as remotely in the Harmonic Egg at Light Pathways. Both are equally as effective! I do energy work myself and this is an excellent way that I take care of myself. It clears my own energy, and lowers my inflammation and my stress level in just a session! I highly recommend this as a way to take care of you whether you have autoimmune issues, stress, or just need a reset. 

Lara J

My experience in the Harmonic Egg®was one of complete peacefulness and a level of deep stillness and relaxation that I had never experienced before.


My sleep had been very poor for a few years related to work-related stress. It was difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, and go back to sleep after I'd awaken during the night.
I realized that I had stopped dreaming because I didn't sleep long enough. That made me look for something beyond a pill or potion. I was slightly anxious about feeling claustrophobic the first time, but found it cozy, comfortable, and deeply relaxing. I slept that night and had a dream! 


3 Sessions

Are for those with minor aches and pains, minor anxiety or stress. Also for our regular clients that use the egg for health and preventative maintenance.

$405 (Regular Price: $450)


I've experienced many different healing modalities and energy work over the past two decades. The Harmonic Egg is definitely one that I have felt significant and profound shifts. This is a phenomenal tool to help raise your vibration at every level. I personally felt huge benefits within the first two sessions. A very comfortable, friendly and supportive atmosphere throughout the entire experience. I am eagerly looking forward to my next session and highly recommend this experience.


What can i say! You feel like you are going off in space, you enter this chamber your chair tilts back and I always choose a blanket for myself! Once the colors and the music of your choice begins it is as if your body comes to life and you are having this completely unique and awesome experience with yourself! Sometimes I have had a lot of body sensations, imagery work such as seeing pictures or images or completely travel into another world or my favorite sanctuaries! Once I even had one of the worst migraines ever and within 5 minutes it went away miraculously. I love that there is a huge binder full of what you would like to give attention to and there are associated musical instruments and colors that may help enhance and heal whatever you would like to work on! When the session is complete I feel like I just had a massage, like something was released, or that I just woke up from the deepest sleep I have ever had! Very rejuvenating and magical!


The experience is a restorative emotional and physical response to light and sounds, promoting a sense of internal balance and well-being. It uses frequencies, vibration, sound and light waves to bring the body back into balance from a world filled with chaos. Everyone has stress and trauma in their lives, most visits to the doctor can be traced back to stress or trauma.
After the first 10 min in the chamber, I went into the deepest space rest/meditation. It was divine. I'm already jonesing to go back.
If you want to trip balls naturally, I highly recommend you check this out.


6 Sessions

For more serious clients with deeper issues in their health and well being. Also for our regular clients that use the egg for health and preventative maintenance.

$720 (Regular Price: $800)


My experience in the egg was extraordinary. I felt happy in my heart as soon as I saw it, but then the experience of being in it and taking the healing journey it offers was profound. I didn't want to speak afterward and needed 20 minutes or so to feel ready to leave the building and want to engage with the outside world.
I felt peaceful, rearranged and reconnected.

Lee H

I have been fortunate enough to have experienced multiple Egg sessions on separate occasions. Every session is a unique and profound healing experience depending on where you're at on your life/soul journey or if vou have any physical ailments. Set your intention, don't expect anything and you will receive exactly what you need in that moment. Sometimes a deep soul massage, sometimes energetic shifts/alignments, sometimes you swear that you "didn't fall asleep", but then wake up with a beautiful vision or a profound message to interpret.
It is super safe, super intriguing and super fun! I absolutely love and highly recommend the Harmonic Egg to anyone, any age... or any species!


As far as my treatments, I must emphasize that no other healing modality has ever come close to the incredible way I felt walking out of even my first sitting. Since completing the ten Auto-Immune protocol sessions the results have been nothing short of life-changing. I have felt better than I have in years, my energy levels are through the roof and unexpectedly this divine tool has helped me to deeply connect with my source. I have felt a constant presence of spirituality in my daily life like never before.
Considering my newfound exhilaration for life, I have been spreading the word about the Eggs incredible healing power to friends and family. For anyone looking to change their life on multiple levels, I could not recommend this more highly.


9 Sessions

For clients that have serious health issues. Also for our regular clients that use the egg for health and preventative maintenance.

$810 (Regular Price: $900)


For someone who has dealt with anxiety for years, I was blown away by the way the Harmonic Egg was able to help
quiet my mind and feel more centered in just a few sessions. I have yet to find anything that has helped me as much as the
Harmonic Egg and I highly recommend giving it a try.


As a medical doctor, I highly recommend this form of natural healing for anyone who wants to have more energy and zest for life. Also, anyone with any chronic condition can experience positive benefits from this safe and effective form of energy healing. Energy healing is the medicine of our time.

Wanda J.B., MD

I have been having regular Egg sessions and been pleased with my progress. Then I heard that Jean also does remote sessions for pets. We have a 15 mo. old bulldog, Tinkerbell. We love her dearly and she makes us laugh every day but we had a few issues, she was quite rough with me, just due to her excitement, and not aware how sharp her claws are, and how strong she is, and she was having issues with our other dog, who usually starts it, but is small and could get hurt. After the session initially, Tinkerbell really had the zoomies, but within a few days she adjusted and has been much more gentle with me, and actually much more cuddly with everyone. We told her we knew the other dog starts the problems, but because she is so strong we worry that she might unintentionally end the other dog, which would break her mommy's heart, so we needed her to be a big girl and let us help. We know he is annoying and it's usually not her fault. The other day, the little dog started up again, and my grandson grabbed him and took him away. Tinkerbell looked at me like she was saying thank you, which is another great result, she makes and holds eye contact much more now, and from her actions we all feel like we are communicating more effectively. Overall she has become much more calm and cuddly in just a few days. Thank you this has been a God send, now we need to do the other little

Yaana A